
A moment of silence

Our world is rarely quiet. And if we're completely honest, we often prefer all the sounds to silence. After all, they give us the feeling of being part of something - or they distract us. Silence, on the other hand, sometimes even makes us feel uncomfortable, as it often seems like a void that needs to be filled. But what happens when we engage with it? And above all, how does that work? We spoke with Mindfulness Coach Nina Backhem about this topic.
A poem gets its melody only through the deliberately placed pauses. And a piece of music lives from the short moments without any sound at all. Because that's how every note gets a meaning – and every theme its effect. And yet, silence sometimes feels strange in our everyday lives. When the radio is off and the cell phone hasn't buzzed in two hours – this is when the feeling arises that something can't be right, that we need to be more productive.

Have you ever tried to focus on the small moments of silence in your everyday life instead of just the sounds that surround you? If so, have you noticed that when you listen into the silence, you also kind of listen into yourself a little bit? Admittedly, this often works better when it's not completely quiet, when we hear the whispers of trees or the babble of a river. But with a little practice, we can even create silence ourselves.