Book restful space outside your daily routine

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Our manifesto

Rest at Nature is more than a weekend getaway — more than just a transient place to be outside.

Enjoy a new traveled experience, the subtle mix between an airbnb and a hotel. Access a beautiful cottage and meet a great community.

Stay with us
Cabin retreats in nature, 1-2 hours from your office door.
King bed
Rain shower & bath
Meditation rock
Work with us
An island of modern life in the middle of the natural world.
Work from the woods
Panoramic desk
Private team workspace
Our story
We exist to make time in nature a regular part of modern life.
'Take a break from the nine-to-five grind and experience a stress-free time outside of the city by staying in one of our sustainable and smart getaways.

A boutique getaway in the wild - close enough for a spontaneous escape, far enough away to completely unwind. Each getaway has everything you need to live comfortably, with a fully digitized guest experience that means zero paperwork or handovers. Book a stay and get into the countryside with minimal fuss. All you need is spontaneity, a deep love of nature and a sprinkle of wanderlust.'

Founders Note,
Charlie Miller

Take a break from big city life in smart, sustainable cabins close to your home. Be the first to know:

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